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2003-2007 天津大学工学学士,光电子技术科学(天津大学南开大学合办专业)

2007-2009 香港中文大学哲学硕士,电子工程专业

2011-2015 香港中文大学哲学博士,电子工程专业









RSC Nanoscale 2023年新锐科学家


担任Light: Science & Applications, Materials Today, Small, Inorganic Chemistry,Journal of Materials Chemistry C, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Nanoscale, Optics Express, Advanced Materials Interfaces, Small Structures等著名杂志审稿人


1. 国家重点研发计划“Mini/Micro LED直显屏超高清显示NQI关键技术集成应用示范”项目“Mini/Micro LED效率衰退机理及加速寿命试验方法研究”课题,子课题负责人,2022.10?2025.08,主持

2. 基于半导体聚合物和胶体碲化汞量子点体异质结的室温下2微米以上波段高灵敏度红外探测器, 国家自然科学基金(青年)项目,2021.01?2023.12,主持

3. 有机纳米混合材料全短波红外波段高灵敏度探测器,贝博bb西甲青年创新一般项目,2021.01?2022.12,主持

4. 灵敏稳定的RP钙钛矿光电场效应管探测器及其系统性研究,贝博bb西甲2020年度校长基金,主持



1.Wei. W., Yun, Y., Li, S., Jiang, Z., Jiang, S., Du, J., Tian, Y., Luo, H., Li, J., Huang, K., Chen, M.,* Li, C.,* Zhang, R. (2024): Efficient Perovskite based Near-Infrared Micro Light-Emitting Diode and Size-Effect Analysis, IEEE Electron Device Lett., DOI: 10.1109/LED.2024.3434727. 电子类顶刊,利用光刻方法制备高性能钙钛矿Micro-LED.

2.Jiang, S., Wei, W., Li, S., Tian, Y., Yun, Y., Chen, M.,* Huang, K.,* Li, C.,* Zhang, R.* (2024): Perovskite/GaN-Based Light-Modulated Bipolar Junction Transistor for High Comprehensive Performance Visible-Blind Ultraviolet Photodetection, ACS Photonics, 11, 3026?3036. 中科院一区Top,内页封面文章,钙钛矿和第三代半导体结合实现高性能新型光调制双极性晶体管光电探测器件。

3.Zhao, S., Wang, J., Guo, Z., Luo, H., Lu, L., Tian, Y., Jiang, Z., Zhang, J., Chen, M.,* Li, L.,* Li, C.* (2024): Exploring Device Physics of Perovskite Solar Cell via Machine Learning with Limited Samples, J. Energy Chem., 94, 441?448. 中科院一区Top,机器学习优化钙钛矿太阳能电池。

4.Luo, H., Lu, L., Zhang, J., Yun, Y., Jiang, S., Tian, Y., Guo Z., Zhao, S., Wei, W., Li, W., Hu, B., Wang, R., Li, S., Chen, M.,* Li, C.* (2024): In Situ Unveiling of the Resistive Switching Mechanism of Halide Perovskite-Based Memristors, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 15, 2453?2461. 中科院二区Top,原位表征钙钛矿忆阻器。

5.Jiang, Z., ? Jiang, Y.,? Chen, M.,? Li, J.,? Li, P., Chen, B., Zhao, S., Wang, J., Jiang, S., Cai, M., Li, L.* Li, C.,* Huang, K.,* Lu, W., Kang, J., Zhang, R.,* (2023), Advanced Design of a III‐Nitride Light‐Emitting Diode via Machine Learning, Laser Photonics Rev., 17, 2300113. ?Equal Contribution. 中科院一区Top, 内页封面文章,机器学习优化氮化镓LED。

6.Zhang, J., Hu, B., Guo, Z., Luo, H., Wang, R., Li, M., Chen, M.,* Li, C.* (2023): Zr-Metal-Organic Framework based Cross-Layer-Connection Additive for Stable Halide Perovskite Solar Cells, Appl. Surf. Sci, 628, 157339. 中科院一区Top,MOF优化钙钛矿太阳能电池。

7.Tian, Y., Luo, H., Chen, M.,* Li, C,* Kershaw, S. V.,* Zhang, R., Rogach, A. L. (2023): Mercury chalcogenide colloidal quantum dots for infrared photodetection: from synthesis to device applications, Nanoscale, 15, 6476?6504. 中科院二区Top,硫汞系红外探测器综述,RSC Nanoscale 2023新锐科学家专辑。

8.Li, W., Wu, Q., Lu, L., Tian, Y., Luo, H., Yun, Y., Jiang, S., Chen, M.,* Li, C.* (2023): Molecular Engineering for Sensitive, Fast and Stable Quasi-Two-Dimensional Perovskite Photodetectors, J. Mater. Chem. C, 11, 3314?3324. 中科院二区Top,分子工程实现高性能准二维钙钛矿光电探测器。

9.Guo, B., Lai, R., Jiang, S., Zhou, L., Ren, Z., Lian, Y., Li, P., Cao, X., Xing, S., Wang, Y., Li, W., Zou, C., Chen, M., Hong, Z., Li, C., Zhao, B., Di, D. (2022): Ultrastable Near-Infrared Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes, Nat. Photon., 16, 637?643. 中科院一区Top, 实现超稳定钙钛矿LED,获得“2022中国光学十大进展”(应用研究类)。

10.Hu, B., Zhang, J., Guo, Z., Lu, L., Li, P., Chen, M.,* Li, C.* (2022): Manipulating Ion Migration and Interfacial Carrier Dynamics via Amino Acid Treatment in Planar Perovskite Solar Cells, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 14, 15840?15848. 中科院一区Top,氨基酸优化钙钛矿太阳能电池。

11.Chen, M.,* Lu, L., Yu, H., Li, C., Zhao, N.* (2021): Integration of Colloidal Quantum Dots with Photonic Structures for Optoelectronic and Optical Devices, Adv. Sci., 8, 2101560. 中科院一区Top,量子点和光学结构结合优化光电器件综述。

12.Guo, Y., Apergi, S., Li, N., Chen, M., Yin, C., Yuan, Z., Gao, F., Xie, F., Brocks, G., Tao, S., Zhao, N. (2021): Phenylalkylammonium Passivation Enables Perovskite Light Emitting Diodes with Record High-radiance Operational Lifetime: The Chain Length Matters, Nat. Commun., 12, 644. 中科院一区Top,碳链工程实现高稳定性钙钛矿LED。

13.Dong, Y.,? Chen, M.,? Yiu, W. K., Zhu, Q., Zhou, G., Kershaw, S. V., Ke, N., Wong, C. P., Rogach, A. L., Zhao, N. (2020): Solution Processed Hybrid Polymer: HgTe Quantum Dot Phototransistor with High Sensitivity and Fast Infrared Response up to 2400 nm at Room Temperature. Adv. Sci., 7, 2000068. ?Equal Contribution. 中科院一区Top,有机半导体/量子点体异质结光电晶体管实现室温下高性能红外探测。

14.Zhu, B., Chen, M.,* Zhu, Q., Zhou, G., Abdelazim, N. M., Zhou, W., Kershaw, S. V., Rogach, A. L., Zhao, N.* and Tsang, H. K.* (2019): Integrated Plasmonic Infrared Photodetector Based on Colloidal HgTe Quantum Dots. Adv. Mater. Technol. 4, 1900354. 中科院二区Top,量子点表面等离子体波导集成红外探测芯片。

15.Chen, M., Lu, H., Abdelazim, N. M., Zhu, Y., Wang, Z., Ren, W., Kershaw, S. V., Rogach, A. L. and Zhao, N. (2017): Mercury Telluride Quantum Dot Based Phototransistors Enabling High-Sensitivity Room-Temperature Photodetection at 2000 nm. ACS Nano 11, 5614?5622. 中科院一区Top,量子点光电晶体管实现室温下高性能红外探测。

16.Chen, M., Shao, L., Kershaw, S. V., Yu, H., Wang, J., Rogach, A. L. and Zhao, N. (2014): Photocurrent Enhancement of HgTe Quantum Dot Photodiodes by Plasmonic Gold Nanorod structures. ACS Nano 8, 8208?8216. 中科院一区Top,表面等离子体金纳米棒结构实现量子点红外探测器性能增强。

17.Chen, M., Yu, H., Kershaw, S. V., Xu, H., Gupta, S., Hetsch, F., Rogach, A. L. and Zhao, N. (2014): Fast, Air-Stable Infrared Photodetectors based on Spray-Deposited Aqueous HgTe Quantum Dots. Adv. Funct. Mater. 24, 53?59. 中科院一区Top,喷涂工艺制备高响应速度量子点红外探测器。
