2014-现在 贝博bb西甲,电子科学系,副教授
2018-2019 美国斯坦福大学,医贝博bb西甲,分子影像中心,访问学者
2009-2014 贝博bb西甲,物理学系,助理教授
担任Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, Food Chemistry, 波谱学杂志及分析测试学报等期刊审稿人。
1. 纯化学位移核磁共振谱方法研究混合胶束增溶性质及分子相互作用机制,国家自然科学基金(面上)项目,2019.01-2022.12,主持
2. 适用于完整生物组织的新型高分辨核磁共振波谱新方法,国家自然科学基金(青年)项目,2018.01-2020.12,合作主持
3. 空间分辨NMR谱方法在液-液界面性质研究中的应用,福建省自然科学基金(面上)项目,2016.4-2019.3,主持
4. 高分辨核磁共振新技术在不饱和脂肪酸包埋和保护研究中的应用,贝博bb西甲山海基金项目,2016.1-2018.12,主持
5. 建立适用于活体生物组织高分辨磁共振定域谱的新方法,国家自然科学基金(青年)项目,2013.1-2015.12,主持
6. 原位液相电化学-核磁共振检测新方法及在含钯元素的咪唑型离子液体研究中的应用,中央高校基本贝博bb西甲业务费,2010.10-2013.9,主持
[1] Xin Hu, Yang Guo, Feng Xia, Shangwu Ding, Zhong Chen, Xiaohong Cui*. Relationship between polymer-surfactant interaction and micellar solubilization revealed by NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2024, 397: 124046.
[2] Xiao Zhang, Zhanhong Guo, Huijun Sun, Anran Dai, Min Zhang, Xiaohong Cui*, Xinchang Wang*, Zhongqun Tian, Zhong Chen*. SABRE hyperpolarization of exchangeable protons in methanol-d4 through dynamic covalent bonds. Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 95: 11613-11620.
[3] Xiao Zhan, Zhaoxia Wu, Zhong Chen, Xiaohong Cui*. Mechanism of the micellar solubilization of curcumin by mixed surfactants of SDS and Brij35 via NMR spectroscopy. Molecules, 2022, 27: 5032.
[4] Tao Chen, Xin Hu, Zhong Chen, Xiaohong Cui*. The total solubility of the co-solubilized PAHs with similar structures indicated by NMR chemical shift. Molecules, 2021, 26: 2793.
[5] Mengjian Wu, Zhaoxia Wu, Shangwu Ding, Zhong Chen, Xiaohong Cui*. Different submicellar solubilization mechanisms revealed by 1H NMR and 2D diffusion ordered spectroscopy (DOSY), Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 2: 11075-11085.
[6] Cheng Wang, Yu Yang, Xiaohong Cui*, Shangwu Ding, Zhong Chen. Three different types of solubilization of thymol in Tween 80: Micelles, solutions, and emulsions-A mechanism study of micellar solubilization, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 306: 112901.
[7] Yu Bo, Jianghua Feng, JingJing Xu, Yuqing Huang, Honghao Cai, Xiaohong Cui?, Jiyang Dong?, Shangwu Ding, Zhong Chen. High-resolution pure shift NMR spectroscopy offers better metabolite discrimination in food quality analysis, Food Research International, 2019, 125: 108574.
[8] Mengting You, Zhiliang Wei, Jian Yang, Xiaohong Cui*, Zhong Chen. Monitoring the formation of oil-water emulsions with a fast spatially resolved NMR spectroscopy method, Chinese Physics B, 2018, 27: 028201.
[9] Honghao Cai, Liangjie Lin, Shangwu Ding, Xiaohong Cui*, Zhong Chen*, Fast quantification of fatty acid profile of intact fish by intermolecular double-quantum coherence 1H NMR spectroscopy. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2016, 118: 1150-1159.
[10] Yali Jin, Honghao Cai, Yali Jin, Xiaohong Cui*, Zhong Chen, Usage of the ultrafast intermolecular single-quantum coherence (UF iSQC) sequence for NMR spectroscopy of ex vivo tissue, Food Research International, 2015, 77: 636-642.
[11] Honghao Cai, Hao Chen, Yulan Lin, Jianhua Feng, Xiaohong Cui*, Zhong Chen*, Feasibility of ultrafast intermolecular single-quantum coherence spectroscopy in analysis of viscous-liquid foods, Food Analytical Methods, 2015, 8: 1682-1690.
[12] Honghao Cai, Yushan Chen, Xiaohong Cui*, Shuhui Cai, Zhong Chen*, High-resolution 1H NMR spectroscopy of fish muscle, eggs and small whole fish via Hadamard-encoded intermolecular multiple-quantum coherence, PloS ONE, 2014, 9: e86422.
[13] Xiaohong Cui, Jianfeng Bao, Yuqing Huang, Shuhui Cai, Zhong Chen*, In vivo spatially localized high resolution 1H MRS via intermolecular single-quantum coherences of rat brain at 7 T, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2013, 37: 359-364.
[14] Xiaohong Cui, Ling Peng, Zhengmin Zhang, Shuhui Cai, Zhong Chen*. A new solvent suppression method via radiation damping effect, Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20: 118201.
[15] Xiaohong Cui, Yan Jiang, Chunsheng Yang, Xingyu Lu, Hong Chen, Shizhen Mao*, Maili Liu*, Hanzhen Yuan, Pingya Luo, Youru Du. Mechanism of the mixed surfactant micelle formation, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2010, 114: 7808-7816.
[16] Xiaohong Cui, Xiaoyan Yang, Hong Chen, Ai-hong Liu, Shizhen Mao*, Maili Liu*, Hanzhen Yuan, Pingya Luo, Youru Du, NMR investigation of the exchange kinetics of quaternary ammonium dimeric surfactants C14-s-C14?2Br, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2008, 112: 2874-2879.
[17] Xiaohong Cui, Shizhen Mao*, Maili Liu*, Hanzhen Yuan, Youru Du, Mechanism of the surfactant micelle formation, Langmuir, 2008, 24: 10771-10775.
[1] 崔晓红,王诚,陈忠. 基于核磁共振技术探究药物在胶束内最大增溶量的方法. ZL201811187367.3.
[2] 崔晓红,游梦婷,韦芝良,杨。轮. 一种非侵入性观测乳状液形成过程的核磁共振定域谱方法. ZL201810219108.8.
[3] 崔晓红,薄雨,冯江华,黄玉清,陈忠. 一种鉴别真假蜂蜜的核磁共振去偶氢谱方法. ZL201710886371.8.
[4] 崔晓红,游梦婷,韦芝良,杨。轮。实时监控乳状液相分离过程的核磁共振空间分辨谱方法. ZL 201710140083.8.