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Responsive Materials》青年编委,2023.11-至今


Light Sci. Appl.、Adv. Mater.、Adv. Func. Mater.、Adv. Optical Mater.、Laser Photonics Rev.、Photon. Res.、ACS Photon.、ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.、Opt. Lett.、Opt. Express等期刊审稿人




1. 液晶几何相位全息复用光学的化学与生物传感研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2025/01-2028/12,主持

2. 介晶序构多维操控与多自由度光子调控原理性器件(牵头:华东理工大学,纳米前沿专项,项目名称:介晶纳米构建、编辑及多自由度光场动态调控及应用),国家重点研发计划课题,2023/05-2028/04,主要参与/子课题负责人

3. 基于光流控的动态可重构手性液晶宽带反射型几何相位研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2021/01-2024/12,主持

4. 高通量DNA生物合成微流控模块研发(牵头:湖南大学,合成生物学专项,项目名称:新一代DNA合成技术),国家重点研发计划课题,2020/01-2024/12,主要参与

5. 胆甾相液晶微激光器的多功能化构筑及结构与性能关系研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2017/01-2020/12,主持

6. 胆甾相液晶螺旋超结构的光配向图案化研究,福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2017/04-2020/03,主持

7. 氧化锌基掺杂型液晶空间光相位调制器的关键技术研究,深圳市基础研究(自由探索)项目,2017/07-2019/06,主持

8. 金属有机骨架薄膜的图案化及应用,浙江大学硅材料国家重点实验室开放课题,2015/07-2017/06,主持

9. 光配向诱导胆甾相液晶螺旋超结构的制备研究,南京大学固体微结构物理国家重点实验室开放课题,2015/06-2017/06,主持

10. 胆甾相液晶核壳结构的微流控制备及可调谐全向激光发射研究,贝博bb西甲中央高校基本贝博bb西甲业务费,2014/01-2016/12,主持

11. 有机-无机杂化免标记型生物传感器的软刻蚀法制备,浙江大学硅材料国家重点实验室开放课题,2010/07-2012/06,主持

12. 基于波导分布反馈技术的固态染料随机激光介质研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2009/01-2011/12,主持


1. Wu, K. H.; Zhu. L. T.; Xiao F. F.; Hu, X.; Li, S. S.*; Chen, L. J.*, Light-regulated soliton dynamics in liquid crystals, Nature Communications 2024, 15, 7217. https://news.xmu.edu.cn/info/1045/480211.htm

2. Li, S. L.; Chen, Z. Y.; Chen, P.; Hu, W.; Huang, C.; Li, S. S.; Hu, X.; Lu, Y. Q.*; Chen, L. J.*, Geometric phase-encoded stimuli-responsive cholesteric liquid crystals for visualizing real-time remote monitoring: Humidity sensing as a proof of concept. Light: Science & Applications 2024, 13 (1), 27. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ap1XEY2iIV8b1NbxM0jLuw

3. Gao, X.; Li, D.; Zhao, S.; Yang, D.; Wu, Q.; Li, S. S.; Zhang, L.; Chen, L. J.*; Yang, Y.*; Hu, X.*, Acoustic controllable spatiotemporal cell micro-oscillation for the non-invasive intracellular drug delivery, Analytical Chemistry 2024, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.4c03187

4. Lin, J. Z.; Wu, A. J.; Zhu, L. T.; Wu, K. H.; Li, S. S.*; Chen, L. J.*, Fission of quasi-static dissipative solitons in chiral nematics. Giant 2024, 19, 100312.

5. Hu, X.; Zheng, J.; Zhu, Q.; Wu, Q.; Li, S. S.; Yang, Y.*; Chen, L. J.*, Acoustic assembly and scanning of superlens arrays for high-resolution and large field-of-view bioimaging. ACS Nano 2024, 18 (23), 15218-15228.

6. Lei, B.; Wen, Z. Y.; Wang, H. K.; Gao, J.*; Chen, L. J.*, Bioinspired jumping soft actuators of the liquid crystal elastomer enabled by photo-mechanical coupling. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2024, 16 (1), 1596-1604.

7. Li, W.*; Mi W.; Chen, L. J.*, Advances, challenges and prospects of visible fiber lasers in display technologies, Displays 2024, 82, 102630.

8. Zhu, S. k.; Zheng, Z. h.; Meng, W.; Chang, S. s.; Tan, Y.; Chen, L. J.*; Fang, X.*; Gu, M.; Chen, J. h.*, Harnessing disordered photonics via multi-task learning towards intelligent four-dimensional light field sensors. PhotoniX 2023, 4 (1), 26.

9. Wu, Q.; Pan, C.; Shi, P.; Zou, L.; Huang, S.; Zhang, N.; Li, S. S.; Chen, Q.; Yang, Y.; Chen, L. J.*; Hu, X.*, On-demand transdermal drug delivery platform based on wearable acoustic microneedle array. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 477, 147124. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/FyOR4SRU3QYnKzE6LVBt3A

10. Wu, K. H.; Chen, C. Q.; Shen, Y.; Cao, Y.; Li, S. S.*; Dierking, I.; Chen, L. J.*, Trajectory engineering of directrons in liquid crystals via photoalignment. Soft Matter 2023, 19 (24), 4483-4490.

11. Lei, B.; Wang, H. K.; Wu, K. H.; Gao, J.*; Chen, L. J.*, Light-driven folding liquid crystal elastomer catapult with improved morphing velocity. Advanced Intelligent Systems 2023, 5 (3), 2200360.

12. Hu, X.; Lei, B.; Li, S. S.; Chen, L. J.*; Li, Q.*, Living cell-laden hydrogels: Unleashing the future of responsive biohybrid systems. Responsive Materials 2023, 1 (1), e20230009.

13. Li, S. L.; Wang, S. H.; Luo, W. C.; You, L. Q.; Li, S. S.*; Chen, L. J.*, Optofluidic tunable broadband distributed bragg reflector based on liquid crystal polymer composites. Optics Express 2022, 30 (19), 33603-33612.

14. Hu, X.; Zheng, J.; Hu, Q.; Liang, L.; Yang, D.; Cheng, Y.; Li, S. S.; Chen, L. J.*; Yang, Y.*, Smart acoustic 3d cell construct assembly with high-resolution. Biofabrication 2022, 14 (4), 045003. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/m0MbXo-AQR8Ohna6pFrxFw

15. Cao, Y.; Chong, L.; Wu, K. H.; You, L. Q.; Li, S. S.; Chen, L. J.*, Dynamic coloration of polymerized cholesteric liquid crystal networks by infiltrating organic compounds. Chinese Optics Letters 2022, 20 (9), 091602. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/i9PjsqJpbzrcJqpbNPhqWA

16. Chen, H. Q.; Wang, X. Y.; Bisoyi, H. K.; Chen, L. J.*; Li, Q.*, Liquid crystals in curved confined geometries: Microfluidics bring new capabilities for photonic applications and beyond [invited]. Langmuir 2021, 37 (13), 3789-3807.

17. Shan, Y. W.; You, L. Q.; Bisoyi, H. K.; Yang, Y. J.; Ge, Y. H.; Che, K. J.; Li, S. S.; Chen, L. J.*; Li, Q.*, Annular structural colors from bowl-like shriveled photonic microshells of cholesteric liquid crystals. Advanced Optical Materials 2020, 8 (20), 2000692. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/TiK0-jBn7_KwrrTebT4nRQ

18. Luo, W. C.; Xu, Y. D.; Yu, G. X.; Li, S. S.; Li, H. Y.; Chen, L. J.*, Reconfigurable polymer-templated liquid crystal holographic gratings via visible-light recording. Optics Express 2020, 28 (12), 17307-17319.

19. Ge, Y. H.; Lan, Y. M.; Li, X. R.; Shan, Y. W.; Yang, Y. J.; Li, S. S.*; Yang, C.; Chen, L. J.*, Polymerized cholesteric liquid crystal microdisks generated by centrifugal microfluidics towards tunable laser emissions [invited, Editors’ Pick]. Chinese Optics Letters 2020, 18 (8), 080006. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/1HSOFbJ9_Wv9TwS4WNpsOg

20. Jiang, R. G.; Luo, W. C.; Ge, Y. H.; Wang, X. Z.; Li, S. S.*; Chen, L. J.*, Real-time generation of dynamically patterned cholesteric liquid crystal fingerprint textures based on photoconductive effect. Optics Express 2019, 27 (8), 11462-11471.

21. Che, K. J.; Yang, Y. J.; Lin, Y. L.; Shan, Y. W.; Ge, Y. H.; Li, S. S.; Chen, L. J.*; Yang, C. J., Microfluidic generation of cholesteric liquid crystal droplets with an integrative cavity for dual-gain and controllable lasing. Lab on a Chip 2019, 19 (18), 3116-3122.

22. Shen, Y.; Xu, Y. C.; Ge, Y. H.; Jiang, R. G.; Wang, X. Z.; Li, S. S.*; Chen, L. J.*, Photoalignment of dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystals for electrically tunable patterns with fingerprint textures. Optics Express 2018, 26 (2), 1422-1432.

23. Lin, Y. L.; Gong, L. L.; Che, K. J.; Li, S. S.; Chu, C. X.; Cai, Z. P.; Yang, C. J.; Chen, L. J.*, Competitive excitation and osmotic-pressure-mediated control of lasing modes in cholesteric liquid crystal microshells. Applied Physics Letters 2017, 110 (22), 223301.

24. Lin, Y. L; Yang, Y. J.; Shan, Y. W.; Gong, L. L.; Chen, J. Z.; Li, S.; Chen, L. J.*, Magnetic nanoparticle-assisted tunable optical patterns from spherical cholesteric liquid crystal bragg reflectors. Nanomaterials 2017, 7 (11), 376.

25. Li, W. S.; Shen, Y.; Chen, Z. J.; Cui, Q.; Li, S. S.; Chen, L. J.*, Demonstration of patterned polymer-stabilized cholesteric liquid crystal textures for anti-counterfeiting two-dimensional barcodes. Applied Optics 2017, 56 (3), 601-606.

26. Li, S. S.; Shen, Y.; Chang, Z. N.; Li, W. S.; Xu, Y. C.; Fan, X. Y.; Chen, L. J.*, Dynamic cholesteric liquid crystal superstructures photoaligned by one-step polarization holography. Applied Physics Letters 2017, 111 (23), 231109.

27. Li, W. S.; Ma, L. L.; Gong, L. L.; Li, S. S.; Yang, C.; Luo, B.; Hu, W.; Chen, L. J.*, Interlaced cholesteric liquid crystal fingerprint textures via sequential UV-induced polymer-stabilization. Optical Materials Express 2016, 6 (1), 19-28.

28. Chen, L. J.*; Gong, L. L.; Lin, Y. L.; Jin, X. Y.; Li, H. Y.; Li, S. S.; Che, K. J.; Cai, Z. P.; Yang, C. J., Microfluidic fabrication of cholesteric liquid crystal core-shell structures toward magnetically transportable microlasers. Lab on a Chip 2016, 16 (7), 1206-13.

29. Chen, L. J.*.; Luo, B.; Li, W. S.; Yang, C.; Ye, T.; Li, S. S.; Wang, X. Z.; Cui, Y. J.; Li, H. Y.; Qian, G. D., Growth and characterization of zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 nanocrystalline layers on microstructured surfaces for liquid crystal alignment. RSC Advances 2016, 6 (9), 7488-7494.

30. Yang, C.; Li, S. S.; Li, W. S.; Zuo, H. J.; Chen, L. J.*; Zhang, B. P.; Cai, Z. P., Topologically patterning of polyvinyl alcohol microstructures for vertical-/hybrid-aligned nematic liquid-crystal gratings doped with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane nanoparticles. Chinese Optics Letters 2015, 13 (8), 081603.

31. Ma, L. L.; Li, S. S.; Li, W. S.; Ji, W.; Luo, B.; Zheng, Z. G.; Cai, Z. P.; Chigrinov, V.; Lu, Y. Q.; Hu, W.*; Chen, L. J.*, Rationally designed dynamic superstructures enabled by photoaligning cholesteric liquid crystals. Advanced Optical Materials 2015, 3 (12), 1691-1696.

32. Wang, Z. Y.; Yang, C.; Li, W. W.; Chen, L. J.*; Wang, X. Z.; Cai, Z. P., Dye-concentration-dependent lasing behaviors and spectral characteristics of cholesteric liquid crystals. Applied Physics B 2014, 115 (4), 483-489.

33. Li, W. S.; Yang, C.; Luo, B.; Wang, Z. Y.; Wang, X. Z.; Bu, Y.; Li, S.; Xu, H.; Chen, L. J.*, Effect of preparation parameters on the performance of polymer-stabilized cholesteric liquid crystals for laser emission. Chinese Optics Letters 2014, 12 (11), 111602.

34. Li, S. S.*; Chen, L. J.*; Dong, X. P.; Ren, X. C.; Zhang, X. S.; Liu, S., Spatial frequency doubling with two-step technique. Optics Letters 2014, 39 (7), 2024-2027.

35. Chen, L. J.; Li, Y. N.; Fan, J.; Bisoyi, H. K.; Weitz, D. A.; Li, Q.*, Photoresponsive monodisperse cholesteric liquid crystalline microshells for tunable omnidirectional lasing enabled by a visible light-driven chiral molecular switch. Advanced Optical Materials 2014, 2 (9), 845-848.




撰写学术章节3章:《Photoactive Functional Soft Materials》(Wiley-VCH,2018)、《液晶光子学》(电子工冶床゜b西甲霭嫔,2018)、《液晶自组装及其应用》(科学出版社,2021

